Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Herbs & Stuff

I was at the Co-Op today and saw they had some more herbs. I had about 5 of them picked out only to realize they were super pricey! :( So....I put back 3. Picked three things I might use. Turned out to be a good idea as my herb pot is getting a bit overcrowded! Stuff I did not expect to come back did or re-seeded itself! I still have yet to plant all my Helleborus. I did however pot up my dahlias that were sprouting the other day as well as the tulips. I think most of the tulips died tho. :( We'll see!

I ended up losing my Michaelango's Angels umbrella that I have had for almost a decade and a half at the gardening symposium I volunteered at tho :(

It's been raining so much lately I haven't been able to do any foliar feeding of my garlic! The ones getting more sun are much bigger plants!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I've been so busy I forgot that I bought bulbs to plant in the planters up front till today when I found them! Unfortunately, I already planted something in them! What to do...? I have no where else to put them!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunfarm.com & Symposium

Hellebore, Hellebore, Trillium, Jack in the Pulpit, Trillium, & Hellebore

This post is a bit late as I did not have time to post earlier...On 4/16 I volunteered at the Chatham University Gardening Symposium. I picked up some stuff, but by the time I was able to shop all the good stuff was gone, BUT...there were some goodies left still! Not only that, but the showy more expensive versions were all sold. All that was left was the stuff that were just coming out of dormancy and MUCH cheaper! So score for me! :D

I wanted Helleborus and I got Helleborus! Five to be exact! Scored two freebie Stevias too! I also got the Trilliums and Jack in the Pulpits. Native plants are nice because they are pretty much guaranteed to grow given the right area! So I am excited! There were a lot of natives there this year, but a lot of them I did not get. I only got the showier ones. :) Some anyway! The one I was most excited about when I found it was the Soloman's Seal. I saw that someone bought one that had come out of dormancy completely and it was GORGEOUS! I so wanted one, but did not find it on the sales table until a few passes later I saw it on the master gardener table juuuuust coming out of dormancy and for $6 only! It's the variegated kind and SO pretty! I can't wait! I am fast running out of space in my yard. I don't know how much more I can cram in it!

Btw, www.sunfarm.com is the vendor that had all the Helleborus and the natives in the first picture. They had some awesome deals! I hope they come back next year!

Stevia, Stevia, Hellebore, Hellebore, mini Hosta, Soloman's Seal

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Frost Blanket

As I was watching the weather on weather.com the forecast said we were going to have some almost freezing nights. I didn't feel like moving my peppers or my pitcher plants in and out again so I decided to go get some frost blankets. I almost didn't find any, but when I finally asked someone, not only did we find some, but I got them for $5 each when they were normally $15.67 EACH! I bought three, even though I probably did not need three! It was too good of a deal to pass up! I hope that is enough so that my peppers won't pout at least. I know the pitchers will be fine.

This summer, I need to clean out some gardening supplies I haven't been using! Time to purge and get ready for the next chapter in my life!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Warm Spring Day

What an amazing day! I woke up late cuz I stayed up till 3am reading a really good book and I just had to finish it! It was so warm today! It was a bit too warm almost! I got a little bit of a tan line on my feet already!

In the garden, I sprayed the garlic w/ the kelp & fish emulsion spray again. I forget how often you are supposed to do so. I need to refresh my memory again.

I went on a search for all my carnivorous plants I overwintered outside. I almost forgot the two smaller ones! Trimmed all the dead stuff off. They sure could use a bath! I swore I blogged about where I put them, but I couldn't find the post! I hope that this was all of them!

Cleaned up some other plants, thinned the burning bush and all the dead stuff around.

My neighbors got chickens! They are the cutest!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Day of Deals

On my way to meeting a friend for lunch today, I remembered I had a Wild Birds Unlimited Groupon to use, but I forgot to print it out! At least I think it was with Groupon! Thank god for the iPhone! I pulled up the app and there it was! I walked in and redeemed it for a bunch of bird food. $15 for $30 worth. Probably ended up paying regular price for it all since that place is so expensive!

But that wasn't the deal...! When I went to do my first walk through to see what was new, there were a bunch of bird baths for 50% off! WOW! These were the heated kind also! The heaters itself usually ran about $40+ and lo and behold....there was a small one sitting right there on a stand even! The lady said if I wanted it, she'd give it to me for 60% off instead! SOLD! :D So I left with my new bird food and heated bird bath. My birds are going to love me next winter! :D

After meeting my friend for lunch, we went to Borders Bookstore. Unbeknownst to me, they were closing and everything was 60-70% off! WOOHOO! I scored a bunch of books there!

After coming home with my goodies, I got to hang out w/ my favorite neighbor kiddos next door. The little boy told me that in the summer I am always gardening :D Imagine the memories he will have with a gardener as a neighbor with really cool plants, feeders and animals! :D

Foliar Feeding Garlic

I completely forgot I had to foliar fertilize my garlic! I was supposed to have started doing it with fish emulsion and kelp when they were 3" tall. They are about 4-6" tall now instead! Oops! So I did some just now. I hope it's ok! They look like they have a thicker stalk this year. I'm hoping for bigger garlic due to the cow manure I put on last fall!