Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Took a 5 mile hike today with my dog at Frick park and the trees there were blooming these pretty pink flowers. Too bad they won't last long, but they were beautiful today. The magnolias everywhere have been blooming their heads off. Wished I had the space for one of those! I have also always loved these little violets and dug some up to plant in my yard in hopes that they will naturalize there too. Just a gorgeous day...

This weekend when I was without internet I also planted my columbine. Since things are just coming out of dormancy or are still dormant I couldn't tell where anything was. It wasn't until I finished that I saw some sprouts coming up right next to where I had planted the columbine! I'll have to move it later probably.

My peony, Sorbet, is coming up! Very exciting! My bleeding heart came back up too. Still waiting for the little red hydrangea and this one Japanese Painted Fern to come back. We'll see...

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